How To Choose an IT Consulting Firm [10 Things to Look Out For]

How To Choose an IT Consulting Firm [10 Things to Look Out For]



Choosing an IT consultant for your company can be challenging – especially when you are a growing business and have not worked with an external consultant before. All IT Consulting firms always have the same disclaimer “considerable experience with extensive expertise” about the services they provide. When there are so many options, how do you choose an IT Consultant that coincides with your companies’ values, business objectives and goals?

In this blog, we have come up with 10 things to look out for when choosing a reliable IT consultant that is flexible and results oriented, not transactionally motivated.

1. Their Service Offerings

Understanding what the IT company in question has to offer is crucial to see if they are a fit for your company. It is worth taking the time and understanding all the types of IT service offerings and if the consultant can provide support in the project as a whole or at certain stages only.

Make sure that you know exactly what you are looking for, so when you do have a meeting with an IT consulting service provider, you tell them your exact objectives and the overall intention of hiring them and what your expectations are.

2. Do They Have Flexible Solutions

Every business is unique, and it may need a customized approach when it comes to creating an IT roadmap. Choosing an IT consulting firm that is flexible and willing to tailor their services to your specific needs indicates they are customer-centric, and you are not just another client. If the IT consulting company is willing to adjust their management plan as per your business needs, it means that they are flexible and are willing to adapt to change as needed in the future.

Do not choose an IT company that attempts to force you into a cookie-cutter package without thoroughly understanding your business objectives. If you are looking for a flexible IT consulting service provider, visit our IT Consulting services in Toronto to learn more if you have not decided yet.

3. Good Communication

Many companies today outsource their IT needs, while others have an IT department in-house. For those growing businesses looking to hire an IT consultant, ensure that the consultant has good communication skills. Focus on things like response time, resolution time and so on. Paying attention to these components can be significant when it comes to a technical setback or emergency. You would not want a company that does not have a quick response time, especially during an emergency. Make sure that the consultant provides regular reports for you and your team. You may not necessarily have the time to sit down and go through each one in detail, however, having them and referring to them when needed can save a lot of paperwork in the future

4. Extensive Experience With Your Issue At Hand

Different IT consulting companies tend to specialize in certain aspects of IT, whereas others can be more general. Both options are not bad, however, when talking to these firms, keep in mind that they should have experience with the opportunity or challenge that your company is facing. Experience should not be based on the number of years, but rather, the amount times they have solved the problem that you have.

This characteristic is crucial because if you choose an IT consultant that has limited or no experience with your current technology issues, it can be very costly and result in unnecessary delays. One way to determine this is to ask for references or case studies that demonstrate their experience.

5. Transparent Pricing

When it comes to choosing the right IT consulting company, price should never be the primary factor. If it is, it means you will probably get a very inexperienced consultant out of it which can damage your reputation and overall business. When we mention transparent pricing, we want you to focus on the pricing structure. Make sure that there are no hidden fees, and all possible situations are mentioned before the service level agreement. Only then, should you agree to the contract with the IT consulting firm? Avoid any hidden fees because they can be very costly!

6. Understand Their Approach

When it comes to IT, many people do not understand the complexity of it. However, as a decision-maker, recognizing the necessary steps and the variety of tools a consultant will propose to solve the issues at hand will be extremely insightful and useful in the long run.

For instance, if the relationship does not work out with the IT Consultant and you had to break the contract, knowing their approach will give you an idea of what they did can help your organization transition their work to the new contractor.

This will be less time-consuming, and the problem can be fixed much sooner if the new IT consultant gets a detailed brief of the work they need to do from the old consultant.

Besides, if you know the IT consultant’s approach, this will allow you to do your research and double-check that their IT strategy framework will be suited for your company.

7. Where Are They Located?

If you want quality service, choosing an IT Consulting firm in Toronto or local area is the way to go. If the consultant is local, it means they are more reliable because they can communicate quickly and efficiently. If you ever needed them to come to your office, they would be able to come to troubleshoot, network setup and fix any issues that you may have.

8. Is The Consultant Up To Date With Industry Trends and Best Practise?

The world of IT is ever-changing and constantly evolving, so it is essential to choose a consultant that is up to date with IT industry best practices and the overall tech industry. When you have an initial conversation with them, find out how knowledgeable and in tune they are with industry trends and best practices. This component should be emphasized because you want to ensure that the IT consultant/ firm would be implementing and integrating the latest tech tools into your company.

The worst outcome would be that older systems and best practices are implemented in your business and a few years from now you feel the repercussions when your IT cannot keep up with the rest of the business units. Do not let your company fall behind its competitors. Focus on IT companies that prioritize minimal downtime and quick response rates. Making these your focus will ensure that your company will be in good hands.

9. What is the Consultant's Expertise?

Recognizing what your consultant is excellent at will help you determine if they are the right fit for your business. Asking the IT consultant if they can offer advice and guidance on a particular situation is a way for you to see how much knowledge and experience, they have. Typically, you would need the consultant to have a thorough comprehension of hardware, software, and their expertise on creating a technical IT roadmap that should detail your current situation as well as your future. The technology and infrastructure roadmap will give you an overview of what you can expect which in turn allows you to forecast spending and control your overall cost.

10. Can You Develop A Long-Term Relationship With The IT Consultant / Firm

Depending on the complexity of the project, it is important to see if the consultant is looking to build a long-term relationship especially if there is more work to be done in the future. When you stick to the same consultant, it will eliminate the effort of briefing and repeating yourself to a new firm.

Sticking to the same firm will also establish trust and a deep comprehension of their working style. This is an advantage because if you can solidify a relationship with your consultant, it means you will not have to chase them to get the job done. After all, there is an equal understanding.


Choosing an IT Consultant can be challenging because there are so many companies that claim they are of quality. However, if you apply all the tactics above, you will be able to do a process of elimination making your search much easier. Our biggest advice is to ensure that you are very clear in what you are looking for and understanding the fine print in any contract.